Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Small Engine Equipment Storage - Early Spring

About the same time as I noticed we couldn't find a couple of backpack blowers when they came due for their 30-day service, we got a call from a detective who was working on the Pawn Shop detail...

Long story short; we have one fewer employee and have implemented a new way to store and keep track of our blowers and trimmers.

I thought for a while about the need to control inventory and also make it quick and easy to monitor. This chain link cage measures 7' X 20', and occupies a convenient location between our two inside facing bay doors; the wall separates the workshop from reel mower storage areas.

Each equipment item has a designated spot, and a daily check takes seconds.

I decided on 16" spacing for the vertical discharge tube hooks. The new storage location makes it very convenient for employees who are gearing up for mowing greens, as we have the mowers, blowers, mixed fuel storage, etc., all in the same area.

Our new procedure is working out well. Managers assign needed equipment, which the employees remove from the cage when needed. Employees then return the equipment to the maintenance shop after use, where a technician checks it over before returning the item to the correct location in the cage. At the end of the day, whoever is locking up that day can see quickly if something is missing.

Sprung Spring...

With the exceptionally mild Winter and early Spring we are experiencing in Atlanta, the greens have a lot of tender new growth which will need to be covered whenever frost is possible. Above is a view of 6 Green on the Highlands course getting a good heavy dusting - almost a month earlier than usual for the first topdressing of Spring. It's a good thing that all of our mowers are serviced and ready for action - and our reel grinder is always ready for a workout, which it will get soon!


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