Monday, January 21, 2019

Surface Plate

I've just posted a new short video on setting up cutting units on the surface plate:

Of course as soon as I published this I thought about something I missed - set the height of cut after paralleling!


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Beaver Power!

Note to equipment manufacturers: If you are not going to spend the (small amount of) money on sealed electrical connectors, at least coat the terminals with dielectric grease prior to assembly! One thing that really irritates me is when a factory made unsealed electric terminal fails due to corrosion, especially when the machine is only three years old! We operate our turf equipment outside in the elements! Okay - rant over...

I finally found a good source for the snap-in terminals found in the unsealed connectors used in some circuits like glow plug and fuel cutoff solenoids. I had previously located the .250" tabs and receptacles, but was having a hard time tracking down the larger .312" pieces used in the high power (glow plug) circuits.

Set up primarily to supply the large motorcycle aftermarket in Japan, Eastern Beaver has sourced the best O.E.M. grade terminals used on the Denso components used by engine manufacturers, as well as most Japanese cars. They also carry high quality crimping tools, and the Carling Contura rocker switches used in most turf equipment these days.

Shipping from Japan can take a while, so I suggest using the Express Mail Service (EMS) option to get your package in less than a week. I was able to get a good selection of terminals for less than $25.

Oh, and we are now preemptively going over all of the other connections in our three year old fleet...
